Thursday, March 8, 2007

I'm A Great Grandpa!

Spiritually, that is. It happened last week.

Several year's ago our assembly gave birth to a daughter, Shorewood Bible Church--South, under the leadership of Pastor Arthur Johnson. In 2005 they sent out Brother Michael McDaniel to establish Westside Grace Ministries in Oak Park. We jointly ordained Pastor McDaniel and rejoice in WGM as our spiritual grandchild.

Now WGM has given birth to child of its own--our great grandchild! Kelley Temple Bible Church has been established under the leadership of Pastor James Kelley. James can be heard over radio on WYLL (1160AM) on Sunday at 11:45 a.m. and over Big Gospel Express (1570AM) on Wednesdays and Fridays at 4:00 p.m. As he wrote to me, "Our ministries are focused on giving people hope for the future and help for today. Our emphasis is on Bible study. We want to help folks understand and enjoy the Bible!" He can be contacted at (773) 512-3495 or

When we started Grace School of the Bible, back in 1983, our hearts cry was, "Lord, give us some preachers!" That prayer has been answered. Over these past years we have not only graduated scores of fine men equipped to do the work of the ministry, these men have established over 100 grace churches across the United States. We also have students and graduates on every continent who are busy establishing grace works worldwide. We have seen a movement develop without the presence of any type of organization beyond that of the local church. No religious politics or professional church operators. Just grace believers committed to "the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery" (Rom. 16:25) from the King James Bible and doing the work of the ministry according to the Pauline model (Acts 14:21-23). We seek to preach the right message from the right Bible in the right spirit. It has been, and continues to be, a wonderfully "wild" ride!

After almost 25 years, we are moving into the "great grandchild" era. II Timothy 2:2 has been our ministry motto and we are humbled to see such wonderful fruit abounding to our Savior's glory. I'm a happy Great Grandpa, indeed!!


Phil. 1:21

1 comment:

Tony Rex said...

Congratulations on the great grand child. And to over one hundred Grace Churches across the United States! You know I remember at the Southern Calif Grace Conference around 8 or ten years ago you spoke at the pulpit that the quest was to have at least 50 Grace Churches and that number at that time seemed to be daunting to me. But wow my highest thoughts and prayers are for this correct message to continue to go forth.

And the verses 1 Thessalonians 5:12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;
1 Thessalonians 5:13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Thank you Richared!

These say what I am thinking and I give thanks again for your hard work you so fervently pursued over the years.

Tony Sampo