Saturday, March 15, 2008

Praying for Susan

In the late 90’s I was in New Zealand. When Dan, Ted and I landed, there was a smiling group waiting to greet us. The broadest smile was on the face of a man we came to know as Abbas. He was an Iranian who had fled his homeland because of death threats. He had relocated his family to NZ and after awhile first his wife, Susan, and then he came to trust the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour. We had a delightful time getting to know this lovely couple and their family. By the way, Abbas had taken the western name “John” but often used Abbas as an opportunity to get an opening for the gospel. I continue to think of him as Abbas! I still remember that smiling face at the airport holding the big sign that read “Eph. 3:9.”

Over time as they moved to Australia. They are outstanding testimonies for the gospel of grace, have a grasp of right division and a zeal to share the grace message with others.

Now a note comes from Susan that she will be returning to Iran for six weeks because her mom recently had a stroke. She writes: “This would be my second time going there after 20 years. Please pray that the Lord uses me to be a witness to my loved ones back there and whoever he chooses. Please also pray for my protection in this journey. I would appreciate your prayers a lot.”

She leaves today. I’m praying for Susan. I thought you might like to join me in putting Colossians 4:3,4 into practice.


P.S. Why not pray for Abbas too! He is staying home taking care of their two daughters--or perhaps, better said, they are taking care of him! Come to think of it, I'll be praying for all of them! Cynthia is leaving for a week in AZ tomorrow, so I'll be praying for myself next week too!

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