Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My First Hero In the Faith

We are working on preparations for our upcoming Grace School of the Bible conference schedule for April 25-27. We call it Soldiers Training For Service (STS). (It is always the last full weekend of April each year.) This is our 25th Anniversary so it will be a special time together.

One treat will be to have Brother Roy Lange join us this year. Roy was my first Bible teacher; has been my friend and hero for over four decades. I want him to see some of the “fruit” of his ministry through me. I also want our men to meet him. Even at his advanced age, he is still going forward with the ministry he has lead for almost 60 years, Forest Park Bible Church in Mobile, Alabama. I am looking forward to having him and his dear wife, Arlis, with us for this weekend.

Some men teach; some men educate; some men inspire. Roy Lange did all three for me. Only two weeks after I trusted Christ as my savior I began to study with him. He taught me how to understand and enjoy my Bible; more importantly he taught me to love God’s Word. His passion for the message of grace and his heartfelt commitment to seeing God’s grace live in his life and ministry became my pattern, my ensample. He was my first hero of the faith—and no one has ever quite equaled his influence on my heart. I only wish I could say that I’ve lived up to the high standard I have seen in him over all these years.

One of the genuine joys of my life has been to be engaged in training men for the ministry and then working with them to reach others with the message of grace from the rightly divided Word. If in some small way I can challenge and encourage these dear men, I count all my efforts well spent—and Brother Lange’s influence honored.

By the way: Two Sunday’s ago I spoke at the first anniversary of Kelly Temple Ministries in Chicago. James Kelly, a dear young man who is developing into a fine preacher, established this young assembly. He has a real heart for the neighborhood where he ministers. James is from Brother Michael McDaniel’s ministry in Oak Park (Westside Grace Ministries), which in turn is an outgrowth of Brother Arthur Johnson’s ministry on Chicago’s south side (Shorewood Bible Church—South), which is an outgrown of our assembly, Shorewood Bible Church (now) in Rolling Meadows. This type multiplication has been a basic vision and pattern we work from—it is the Pauline Ministry Model we are endeavoring to fulfill. It’s happening in Chicagoland—and around our country and the world—because of the ministry of Grace School of the Bible. Praise the Lord!!

If you can’t be with us in Rolling Meadows for the STS conference, join us via the Internet by going to ShorewoodBibleChurch.org and clicking on the video icon. All the sessions will be streamed live over the Internet. Ya’ll come!


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