Thursday, April 2, 2009

Losing To Win

Losing is not a popular idea. It's definitely not an American concept. As General Patton famously remarked, "Americans love a winner. America will not tolerate a loser." That's no doubt one reason the current economic/political confusion is so perplexing. We seem to be losing--losing something tangible and intangible at the same time.

But God's grace teaches us that it is in our weakness that His strength is made perfect. In fact, II Cor. 13:4 declares that Jesus Christ "was crucified through weakness"--but not that He couldn't take care of Himself!

He did not die because He could not help it, He did not suffer because He could not escape. All the soldiers of Pilate's army could not have taken him, if he had not been willing to be taken. They could not have hurt a hair of His head, if he had not given them permission.

Truth be told--and what a blessed truth it is--He didn't want to be rescued. What seems to be the cluttered rush of events turns out to be the plan of god unfolding to bring salvation to the world. When evil seems to be winning, Christ calmly submits, knowing that in the end, God's will must be done.

And thus grace teaches us that in losing our power, our significance, our place in the lights, our fame and fortune and all that we hold dear, especially our reputation in the world, in giving all that up, our "losing with God" (as an old hymn puts it) wins for us a blessing the world can't match and does not understand.

Paul describes our ministry when he says of his own, "as unknown, and yet well poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing and yet possessing all things" (II Cor. 6:9, 10). I have often said that our influence far out weighs our apparent size!



Linda said...

When evil seems to be winning, Christ calmly submits,...

What a wonder is the cross! "Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross"

I would like to link "Losing To Win"...may I?

Richard Jordan said...

Sure! Its nothing original or that hasn't been said before and even better. Just a wonderful truth to use anyway we can!

Dwayne said...

This has been a rough couple of months and I came here looking for some encouragement.

And I got it! Thanks.

Over the years, I have watched my strong, vibrant and beautiful wife rot away right before my eyes. She tries really hard not to show it. But the last couple of years and all of the strokes have taken their toll. The fear in my children's eyes is the hardest to take.

We both despise losing and we have had to admit this past year that we are losing the battle with Kathy's health issues. There are days when I don't know if I can take another breath. But we do and we move forward.

We do because we know what God is up to. We cannot blame God for our tribulations. We live in a sin cursed world. We move forward because we understand in our weakness Christ is made strong. But it sure is not easy. It's a moment by moment decision we make to rest in this truth.

I cannot count how many opportunities Kathy and I have had to witness about Christ and His hope that He has for us because of her struggles. It is amazing!

Thanks again for this simple little truth. I needed it today! More than you could ever know.