Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just A Thought

I thought when the new flooring was finished we would be able to reoccupy our up stairs, but it hasn't happened yet. The floor is beautiful and so is the kitchen. Its our 40 Anniversary present to ourselves (June 20th, so its a bit early!). Going to Ohio this weekend, so maybe next week we will be able to get moved back in. Just a thought!

Charlie McQuillan will be spending the night with us Thursday. He'll have to sleep on the couch in the family room since our guest rooms are still full of kitchen stuff. Cynthia ain't happy about that! She is so determined to offer only the best in hospitality, its a good things he's still young enough to think a couch is better than the floor!

As I have been teaching the book of John--and thus reading it over and over, most of the time at one setting--I am reminded of its parallel with the Tabernacle. Since John presents the Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us--and since the purpose of the Tab was for God to dwell among Israel--that isn't a surprise. Just a blessing! The more you study the details, the more you see the wonder of it. And most of all, that the One who gave the pattern for the Tab knew what was going to happen when He became flesh and dwelt among us. Only God Himself could be the author of the Book!

We have reworked some of the artwork on our Rightly Dividing the Word chart and it is at the printer. Doing 100,000 this time. We thank God for the generous help in making this possible. It is all paid for! That in itself is a wonderful blessing.

I've been on FaceBook and doing a bit of Twittering. FaceBook has turned out to be interesting. Twitter is useless--can't say much in 140 characters! and who needs to know every detail of your day anyway?! Ain't that much that interesting going on. But it is nice to hear from folks directly. Amazing how much hunger there is for fellowship among grace folks there is out there. That is a great thing! Don't worry, however. I don't spend but a very few minutes on either. I check email four or five times a day (I average about 60 per day--plus spam) and look at fb once or twice when I'm doing this. Cynthia watches to see if I pray as much as I'm on it! If you want to say hi via fb, my handle is RJordanGSB.


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