Saturday, May 9, 2009

A Really Great Time

We spent last night at the Holiday Inn in Rolling Meadows, Illinois. This will be the site of our summer family Bible conference, July 18-23. We were giving it a break-in visit.

Mike and Joe Wolke stained our floors Friday and this meant we were unable to stay in the house over night due to the strong fumes from the sealer. We had Hanna and Kayla with us so we took off to the hotel. The girls worn themselves out swimming in the pool (till almost 11:00 p.m.!) and got in another hour and a half this morning before we checked out! The hotel is a really nice place. It will be a great locaton for the conference.

This afternoon we attended a musical recital for several young people from our church family. They were excellent! It is a special blessing to see young couples raising their families in such a way that their children trust Christ at a early age, learn the grace message as a natural part of their spiritual growth and focus on godliness and excellence in their lives.

One of my personal goals has been to lead one local church for a long time--to be able to see godly generations developed. It has been my privilege to lead our assembly for three decades and I rejoice that, by the grace of God, this goal has been achieved.

Today we had a really great time. Tomorrow is Mother's Day (thanks to Hallmark!), so it will be even better!


P. S. The recital was held in the chapel of Judson College, Elgin, Illinois--where we held our summer conferences during the late 80s and early 90s. We had lots of wonderful and interesting experiences there! It was the site where a fella threw a fire bomb at me while I was preaching (sort of broke up the meeting!). It was also where a number of folks got saved, some of our men dedicated their lives to preach, several couples met their life mates (including one of my sons), scores of folks came to understand the message of grace and lots of turly great teaching/preaching took place. For those who remember, you'll be interested to know the chapel is now airconditioned! There were lots of memories of Cynthia and me as we enjoyed to recital.

1 comment:

Andrea Watts said...

Wow, someone threw a fire bomb at you? Was he a baptist lol?