Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Support Our Show (S.O.S.)

Tuesday, 8:45 p.m.

An amazing thing just happened in our evening meeting. Tom Bruscha of Grace Bible Church, Warren, Michigan, gave a report on Forgotten Truths (our weekly TV program aired mainly over DirectTV). Frankly the report is a bit discouraging. Income to the program has been on a downward trend for some months. When I was there making programs last month we made the decision about how we would end the broadcast if necessary.

Tom reported to the conference audience that we face the almost unthinkable task of take Forgotten Truths off of DirectTV by the end of September if things continue as they are now. A dear saint, an elderly, retired school teacher, spoke from the audience about how the program couldn’t be allowed to end. I’ve known Zelma for some time so I invited her to give her testimony.

She told of being in religious bondage for almost seven decades, only to be liberated into the sunlight of grace by watching “a strange looking man furiously drawing on a chalkboard.” “ I saw the program by accident and it change my whole life.”

Zelma lives in a project on Chicago’s Southside. Yet I know that she already gives, as she says, “out of my poverty” to get the message of grace out. Now she was asking how to help on a monthly basis with Forgotten Truths. “I’d be ashamed if that program went off the air,” she declared, adding, “I just don’t understand grace people!”

One man arose from the audience to say that he wanted to help. He offered a challenge: He would match any gifts up to $5,000 to keep Forgotten Truths going. Before he finished his statement a lady raised her hand to contribute $6,000! Then a couple offered $2,000 and another couple another $2,000 and another man $1,000. In a matter of three minutes not only had the $5,000 challenge been met but more than doubled!

It was touching; amazing. I know all of these folks and, frankly, outside of the man who gave the original challenge all the others were giving out of much more limited resources. Yet the message of grace has gripped their hearts and they simply could not see the silencing of our television show. This was not an “emotional” appeal, but rather a very serious minded moment that was touching to behold as it unfolded.

My own wife and I had decided some time ago to donate our government “stimulus” check to the work of the ministry—half to Grace School of the Bible and half to Forgotten Truths. We know what it is to sacrifice for the ministry and the joy of ownership it gives. It was wonderful to witness others join in that blessed fellowship.

So, rather than Save Our Show we say: Support Our Show. Forgotten Truths is one of only two national programs proclaiming the Word rightly divided over our nations airways. It is, in fact, the only one that does so from a King James Bible believing viewpoint, with a grace-life emphasis and a clear understanding of grace edification issues. If these things are dear to you, perhaps you should join our S.O.S.


1 comment:

lisa leland said...

i'm impressed with your journalistic skills! you obviously whipped this out real fast and it reads like from a pro!