Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Bitter-Sweet Day

I got a call this morning from Cynthia telling me that little Noah is being transferred to a specialized children’s hospital NIC unit. It seems he has developed a heart murmur that has worsened. Don’t know exactly what the situation is at the moment, but since the doctors didn’t seem to be overly excited, I trust it is something that can be managed successfully.

Grandma was pretty upset, which is to be expected. Even the smallest problem for a little one tugs at the heart strings. We appreciate your prayers for mom, dad and grandma!

I actually had a rather lengthy comment almost ready to post when I received the above information. My wisdom on the use of FaceBook and Tweetering will have to wait!

My day has been largely been spent making radio for Shorewood and GSB—both weekly and daily programs. What a privilege it is to proclaim the rightly divided Word via the media. So, today is a bit bitter-sweet!

When I learned that I had cancer, a friend sent me a message I have posted on my office wall: “You never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have. When Jesus is all you have, then you discover He really is all you need!”



faithplusnothing said...

I will be praying for you and your family. My daughter was born with two holes in her heart. Both closed on their own and that was seventeen years ago. Thank you for your ministry. It has been a blessing for me and my family. I look forward to seeing you in Tenn next month. Hope to see you on facebook!God bless you and your family especially little Noah.

Lking said...

I will be praying for little Noah Avery!! May God just heal that heart right away. I will pray for Mom and Dad as well as Grandma and Grandpa.
God Bless you all. Your ministry is such a great blessing to me and my husband. It was a great day when we discovered your teaching about dividing the word!
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ!