Wednesday, October 14, 2009

A Note from China

We are in PA enjoying time with the Leaches. The fall colors have been beautiful and today we are actually going to site see a bit. Don't get many days off, so hope to make the most of it. Allen has a BIG collection of old movies, so we have been laughing to Laurel and Hardy!

I got a note from our friend in China this morning that I thought was most insightful--and timely. Pray for the saints in that distant land and take the following to heart:

"Last night I went to a 'revival' meeting. We were out walking and stumbled
upon an outdoor meeting where there was a three hundred voice
choir - almost every hand raised in praise. The loud speaker system was
blaring away and tears were in almost every eye. It looked like one of the religious
TV programs from the USA.

"Then my eye caught the nearly seventy five young
Buddhists priests at the back. Momentarily I was shocked. It seems that the
emotional deceit of the Devil's plan has worked so well in the West in the
'personal revelations' people receive from God that he has duplicated the "show business"
aspect of it here in the far east. Wow! what a shocker! I could have sworn it was
a 'christian' charismatic meeting."


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